2013.09.14 Melbourne@Australia Day 2 | City Tour

之后可以在墨尔本中心车站(Melbourne Central Station)下车,步行进入市区中心地带,沿着斯旺斯顿街(Swanston St),可以经过1854年修建的维多利亚州图书馆,之后经过琳琅满目的街边小店,可以方便的找一家饭馆填饱肚子,然后向西进入伯克街(Bourke St),这里是一条商业步行街, 只允许行人和有轨电车通行,澳洲大多数品牌都在这里有店铺。

After the central station in Melbourne (Melbourne Central Station) and walk into the heart of downtown, along Swanston Street , pass by State Library of Victoria built in1854 , after an array of street shop, you can easily find a restaurant to fill  stomach, then west into Bourke St, this is a commercial pedestrian street, allowing only pedestrians and tram traffic, most of the Australian brands have shops here.

The machine of selling Myki card

If only one day stay in Melbourne, do not miss the free City Circle Tram, half a century before they are manufactured tram will take you surround Melbourne CBD area, along the way can be subjected to the Melbourne Aquarium, Old Melbourne Jail , Parliament House, immigration Museum, Federation Square and many other tourist attractions.

Flinder Street Station

Flinders Station is a Victorian building, large clock Melbourne main landmark, gate, it is a good background photo.

Federation Square

Hosier Lane

Hosier Lane 

Crown Casino

We went to our dinner to end of this day. It's need 16 AUD per person as  6 dishes with 1 soup.

After finished, we go back to the hotel to rest early, because the next day have to get up early

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