2013.09.15 Melbourne@Australia Day 3 | Anglesea / Split Point Lighthouse / Great Ocean Road Memorial Arch

Mike would come to pick us up early in the morning to buy some breakfast to eat in the car, we buy a Vietnamese sandwich probably 4 AUD. Owh, its good to eat.

買了早餐就開始了去Great Ocean Road的路程了。車程大概要4-5小時哦~~~ 精神奕奕的我們在車裏不斷的自拍。呵呵~~

Bought breakfast and we departed toGreat Ocean Road. Road trip is about 4-5 hours  ~~~ as is earlier, we so energetic to selfie in the car.

Great Ocean Road 大洋路,澳洲最美的海岸公路。它是沿著維多利亞西海岸蜿蜓伸展。
Great Ocean Road characteristic is to take the coastal road, because along the way you can enjoy the magnificent sea views

Shooting Ocean Road in car: reflective glass and framing issues

In traveling the Great Ocean Road on the way, after this, the scenery is so beautiful, I can not help but stop for a moment to get off

The first to arrive is the beauty scene of Split Point Lighthouse

The lighthouse was built in 1891, some local people call it  'The White Queen'

Lighthouse on the other side of the scenery, just take a little bit Downhill so you can see the beautiful scene ~

Then you have seen there is a very small way beside the lighthouse, be sure to go more further inside.
Do not miss it, because I really almost missed as my mom and none of them want to go in, as I think it's rarely to came here so I decided to walk in alone see what's in there. The downhill road is very bumpy with grass surrounding and it's high enough to be overshadowed my head, after I walk a short distance, I though to give up,but holding a very curious mind, so walk further and further inside, finally  I saw the unforgettable landscape. So excited ~~ 


Great Ocean Road - Australia's most beautiful coastal road :)

Built in 1932, this beautiful coastal road, is involved in World War I (Great War) soldiers built, so named as "The Great Ocean Road"
At the entrance of the Great Ocean Road, there is a monument to the soldiers was on hands and tools, without any mechanical under hard construction of this beautiful road.

Entrance at departure

If you reach here, must go to the beach have a walk, as you can step away the nearest beach from Southern Ocean

Like to see the endless ocean together with blue skies and white cloud.

Such a beautiful coastline, so I could not stop to took a lot of photos, in throwing back the scene of the day of wave, sun, sand are very beautiful and it's stamp in my memories.

Great Ocean Road is one of the world along the coastline construction of 4 road.
That's why you will find more beautiful scenery while traveling along the coastline, .

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