2013.09.13 Melbourne@Australia Day 1 | Puffing Billy 普芬蒸汽火车/ Philips Island Penguin

After feeding the cockatoos, still have another 30 minutes to go for the  Puffing Billy as start at 10.30am, therefore we went to a local super market woolworths to buy some food and water.

Like this yogurt as the yogurt not really watery like what we bought in Malaysia.

乘搭已有百多年历史的古董火车普芬蒸汽火车,也是世界上保存最好的蒸汽火车之一。Belgrave 到 Emerald 是一个人要27AUD的哦, 可能Mike有旅行社的折扣吧所以20AUD而已。

Puffing Billy steam train is been over 100years history, and is one of the finest preserved steam railways in the world. From Belgrave to Emerald actual price is 27AUD, but Mike have discounts so it's 20AUD per pax only.

Toot! Toot! Train started at Belgrave Station

From Belgrave Station take a stand at Menzies to stop for about 30 minutes, sitting in the car to the right of scenery is good, it is slow enough to able to let you view all the beautiful scenes, you can also straddle legs hanging outside the train.

Menzies Station

乘坐完蒸汽火车就要坐大概2-3小时车程到Philips Island看Penguin. 由于怕有点晚,就去了麦当劳外带了汉堡包吃,尝试下那里的快餐。嘻嘻

After a ride of Puffing Billy then would take about 2-3 hours drive to Philips Island to see Penguin. Since scare a bit late so we went to the McDonald's takeaway hamburgers to eat, try the  fast food there.

We faster take a rest while on the way going to Philips Island.While there is still have time to take us to the three places to see and watch the sea gulls.

Saw some wild kangaroos and they are shy to keep escape ~

Next is to see penguins, and had watched a lot of penguin species ~ and Australia belongs little penguin (also known as fairy penguins) of this genus penguins are among the smallest of all penguins, only about 40 centimeters tall and weighs 1 kg.

In fact, this picture penguin is fake, because it is disallow to take pictures of penguins ~

Five of us 16AUD per pax and there five dishes and 1 soup. Quite delicious~

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