2013.09.15 Melbourne@Australia Day 3 | Twelve Apostles / Loch Ard Gorge

After lunch continue to the Twelve Apostles , the journey probably more than one hour
The official line to see a helicopter to 145AUD, but we 96AUD can buy tickets, should be thanks Mike as he can get the tour guide fees.

It's my first time ride via helicopter ~ ~ you may try to explode the nature view from the top overlooking into it.

Buy a ticket, lined up, and then wait for professional people to teach us those security measures

Could I meet a pilot as handsom as Jayden Cool? hahaha

selfie with the helicopter that we ride in more a while.

Helicopter instrument

This is what we expect 'jayden cool' ?? ha ha ha
Helicopter began to rise slowly, gradually left the ground ~~~

15 minutes passed quickly, back to the helipad, and then the next group turn.

Next station is Twelve Apostles

十二使徒岩(The Twelve Apostles),又譯十二門徒石,是一系列自然形成的石灰岩的组合,目前存有七塊。它們位於澳洲維多利亞州的大洋路邊上,坎貝爾港國家公園之中。十二使徒岩是維多利亞州的著名景點,每年吸引數以萬計的遊客。最初這些石頭被稱為「母猪和小猪」,在20世纪50年代,它們的名字被改成更加吸引人的十二使徒岩(這個名字来自耶稣的十二個使徒),儘管那時僅存有九塊石頭。2000年初,當地政府在大洋路邊建造了遊客中心。另外,旅遊者可以選擇搭乘直升機,俯瞰十二使徒岩附近的景色。(資料來源:網路)

Because limestone geology
Currently the remaining seven continued weathering of the Apostles
One day a none left
So fragile Attractions
Of course, we must take a look

These "apostle" every minute of being the name of the spray, an annual rate of 2 cm is eroded limestone structure allows these "apostles" presents different appearance

Just mentioned, every year these apostles will be at a rate of 2 cm is eroded, the photo front gravel, is the collapse in 2005 of one piece apostles.

The scene is really quite spectacular, natural weathering and erosion caused by the strange phenomenon of natural wonders.

Then sit for about five minutes' drive to the Loch Ard Gorge Loch Adelaide Grand Canyon.

1878年6月1日一艘名為“Loch Ard”的英國移民船在開往墨爾本的途中觸礁遇難,52人死亡,只有2人生還。後人為了紀念這些遇難者,修築了52座墳墓,並將這個地方起名為“Loch Ard”。洛克阿德大峽谷距離12使徒岩只有約2公里,在這裏您可以近距離觀賞峽谷的岩石景觀,並可以順著峽谷懸梯下到海邊,漫步賞景。

Here stalactites, colorful, is a camera boom

London bridge is being eroded rock waves into two holes to form a double arch, named as "London Bridge." In 1990/01/15 evening, round hole of a sudden avalanche connection with the land, and the mainland from the formation of the current bridge. At that time the sea end of the line and two people have been cut off, unable to return to shore, and finally rescued by a helicopter.

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