Guide to Getting Started!

Whether you are trying to lose weight, build muscle, lose body fat, or even just maintain, knowing where you started, tracking and logging your progress helps keep you motivated and keeps you on track. Here are some great resources for helping you reach your fitness goals.


Nutrition of eating clean is 70% of the fitness goals, therefore it is most important to get your nutrition down. Here is a basic list of Clean Eating Foods that we frequently have on hand.


Limit Your Calorie Intake

~ For lose weight plan, you can check out that how much calories intake is suitable for your lose weight plan. As there are many, you can simply click here to check it out.

~ For me, is best to use Food and Nutrition Tracking Tools to record every meal (be sure of eating clean) to count the calories goal so that it will keeps you on track. I'm currently using MYFITNESSPAL.


IIFYM/Macros goal setting

~ What is IIFYM/Macros? IIFYM stands for If It Fits Your Macros. “Macros” is short for macronutrients , which in this context refers to protein, fat and carbs. And even though calories are not a macronutrient (rather, it's your macros that provide your calories), calorie intake is included in this as well.

Simply click here to count your macros goal. 

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